Monday, 7 June 2010

Quick hello - nothing more interesting to say yet!

Temperatures are rising here in Japan – we’re almost hitting 30 during the day, with a strange slightly lower temperatures at night, but the humidity is rising along with it! And as the temperatures rise, the amount of barbeques (went to 3 in the past 2 weeks) and matsuri - Japanese festivals – does too.
I keep busy enough these days with the mundane things like work – it’s still very entertaining, teaching the little ones who get extremely excited. I was teaching a class on colours and I was blowing up some balloons and the 7-year-old kids were scared that the balloon was going to pop! I got to sign a kid’s backpack, a few hands, arms and legs too. And then I felt very old when a little girl asked me to join her on the jungle gym…
I’ve also recently had my third couchsurfer stay over (amidst all the busy social activities I can’t seem to say no to!) For those who don’t know, couchsurfing is where you stay over in someone’s home for free. I’ve done it about three times now here in Japan, and it’s so much help for those travelling on the cheap! Plus it’s a great way to meet new friends.
It’s strange, I feel so at home here now, and to think that this time next year, I won’t be here anymore. I’ll be as far removed from here as physically possible.