The plan so far: belize for about a week, then sight-seeing in guatemala for a week followed by a month's worth of volunteering on developing ecotourism in the south or Guatemala, then about a week diving in Honduras, and a week of sight-seeing in each Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica!
Not too shabby.
This is a rough outline:

I'll be updating my blog regularly. If you want to keep up to date, just subscribe by email at the bottom of the blog and you'll receive an email every time i post something.
I'll also be updating a link list (as usual - to the right), starting with some great links for volunteering project in Guatemala. It seemed that there an extreme amount of projects in Guatemala, and Costa Rica, the others not so much. ALSO just to clear up for those people who volunteer with big organisations that cost about 1000 euros for a 2 weeks. This is a rip off. There are PLENTY of options out there, on the internet too, that only require you to pay for accommodation and food. There's plenty around 500 euros for a month, or others more about 700. A MONTH! Please don't be afraid to look around a little. Like I said, I will be keeping the blog updated on any interesting projects I find.
As per usual, my friend raul (profile at the bottom) is coming with me.
I'm also still updating info on the earthquake in Japan, on occasion.
From what I have gathered casually checking the news now and then, is that recently the South Korean and Chinese PM have been to visit an evacuation shelter in Kensenuma (the 2nd worst hit village just north of Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture). The president of TEPCo has resigned, no surprises there, but the government is trying to come up with some schemes that would help TEPCo with compensation payments using taxpayer's money. The dominoes keep falling, and only now are they changing the regional power monopoly system that energy companies have in Japan after a disaster happens.
The evacuees seem to be allowed back for a limited time one-by-one to collect their possessions from the radiation zone. Videos are frequently released of the nuclear plants. It seems the government have now admitted that 3 of the 6 reactors had a full meltdown, and they're still leaking some radiation but not outside the plant's grounds. They're are still not stable, as in too hot, and too humid (reactor 2) to stay in for a long time. It seems that most of the damage at the plants was not actually the result of the tsunami but had already occurred immediately after the earthquake.
That's all from Belgium. Next update from Belize.
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