Friday, 5 September 2008

In Swakopmund

We are now a week into the trip!
The weather is finally looking up. It was pretty wet in cape town, and further up into the Namib desert pretty warm, high 20's, but in the evening it is absoultely freezing! I've been layered up to the max, but last night was pretty good. The camp sites have all been really good so far - warm water and some even have had swimming pools. The driving isn't too bad, max of like 5 hours a day, so they're typically action-packed, but the roads can be pretty bumpy! we have lots of space in the truck, luckily, because there's space for 29, and we're only with 16. We're losing 6 people tomorrow so for the next 2 weeks up to Victoria Falls we'll only be with 10.

Africa is beautfiul. I've seen many gorgeous sunsets, and as much as they look the same after a while i still love to watch. I was going to put some pictures up but i can't use the USB cable here! It's not as cheap as SE Asia or S America, but thepeople are all very friendly. The cook is amzing, so i might actually gain weight on the trip! We've had some amazing lasagna ad then yesterday we had kudu!

We've been pretty busy so far. I went for a canoeing trip on Orange River, which was beautiful. Then later we had a day off but we climed about 100m to catch the sunset. Then yesterday we went on a walk in the Sossusvlei in Namibia, which is all desert and dunes. Going to go quadbiking in the desert on sunday. We're here for another 2 days, so it's a nice bed and some relax time for me!
The wildlife is stunning, opbviously! Lots of springbok and ostrich along the road,a nd we also saw a few oryx.

The people in the group are really cooL! There's a group of 6 americans who are doing a semester in cape town, and they're leaving us tomorrow. The rest of us get along really well, there's a few australians and some brits mainly. We're only just getting to know each other better so from now on many more drinking parties and fun nights a coming!

This has now become a very long post, and i'm kind of sickly (stuffy nose, sore throat) so that's all for now!
Lots of love.


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