Monday, 1 September 2008

Cape Town to Springbok

So this is the first time i can get internet. There was a big stormin CApe Town on saturday evening so everything was down.
The journey into S. Africa was good, though i had an hour's delay with BA because of damage to the luggage compartment.
Cape Town is pretty cool, it really doesn't feel like AFrica. It's veery modern and it has lotsof shops. They're obsessed with surf clothes! I guess it makes sense it being on the coast and all. There's a waterfront with lots of malls and shops lik ethe body shop, and nando's everywhere. I went there with this random maltese/italianh couple i met on the street, they were really nice! It was very cold though and lots of rain. Then i met the people in my group, who're pretty cool. IT's s small group, 16 of us, from all over, UK, oz, kiwis, spain.
We left on sunday morning and the highlight may have been seeing babboons cross the road, randomly! Pretty cool, for someone like me not used to that. I've also seen some lone impalas grazing.
We got to the first camp site in the cold and rain, and did some wine tasting there! Was v. nice, fromthe birdlife co-op, the 3rd biggest producer inteh s. hemisphere apparently. Bought some rooibos-infused vermouth, because they don't export it.
Didn't get much sleep last night because the cook got slightly drunk and fell off a ledge hurting himself badly. He's currently in hospital, but he gave us a good fright because he was asking for help, opening up tents and we thought he was a randombegger!
Oh well, am now off closer to orange river to do some canoeing tomorrow.
Will be in swakopmund in about 5 days, will report back then!

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